Speaking and Teaching about Writing
I am based in Ha Noi, Viet Nam and often meet there with university faculty delegations, visiting students on a semester abroad, tour groups, and researchers. Please use the contact page on this web site if you are interested in having me meet with your group.
I majored in mathematics, purposely choosing the discipline farthest from writing. Yet here I am, doing now what I once hated. Writing is no easier for me than it was decades ago. Over the years, I have worked with some of publishing’s best editors; I am grateful to them for what they have taught me. My skills are learned. They are certainly not based on talent.
I am committed to sharing what I’ve learned and do so during the two weeks each year that I concentrate on teaching. I try to help writers see what they don’t yet know they know so that they can open their work out to new depths. I come up under and in support of a work-in-progress, urging it forward.
This summer, poet/novelist/essayist Demetria Martinez and I will teach a workshop, “Writing Our Way Home.”
Come join us!!
Dates: 14 – 25 June 2010
Location:William Joiner Center for the Study of War and Social Consequences, University of Massachusetts, Boston Campus, on the “Red Line” at the JFK Library / U Mass stop, free bus from the T-stop to the campus
Tuition: $400 for two weeks, $250 for one week, includes the morning workshop plus master classes, panels, readings, films, etc.
Website: http://www.joinercenter.umb.edu/writers_workshop/2010_workshop.html
Inquiries: joinercenter@umb.edu